Ever wondered the importance of sighs in your life??
Those simplest forms of expressions, too trivial but the most
significant ones... like a sigh of a mother at the first sight of her little
one... the sigh of relief at the sight of a person you were frantically
searching for?? The sigh of that secret admirer each time his lady passes
by...A sigh of a little gal as she hugs someone tight... that long and heavy sigh
of loss at the fond remembrance of good days gone by... that soft, special sigh
of a woman at the thought of her beloved... that warm selfless sigh of a
dog when you hug him tight ... the sigh of the farmer as the first
droplets of rain splashes over his sun-kissed cheeks.... that silent soft sighs
that hides in the sobs of a woman abandoned by her man...
Sigh!!! All these days I've noticed with awe how it would slowly
mark its humble presence in the most emotional of situations.... n then slowly
retreat with the same aura of anonymity it came in with. Now I guess the sigh
has finally started marking its importance more distinctly as the other day...
amongst all the stupid things I think/say.. when I mentioned the importance of
Sigh over a Sigh!!! I was pleased to hear a few voices reflect my thoughts over the significance of a sigh.....
N so I Sigh!!! at the thought of all those wonderful sighs I've felt... the sighs I've let out...
the least noticed, but the most delicate and beautiful form of expressions... I
have ever known....